First Edition
Section I
Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome
Honorary Section Editor - Rachel L. Batterham
1. Introduction to Obesity 3
Imran Alam and Sanjay Agrawal
2. Etiopathogenesis of Obesity 13
Surya Panicker Rajeev and John Wilding
3. Gut-Derived Hormones and Energy Homeostasis 21
Wui-Hang Cheung, Andrea Pucci, and Rachel L. Batterham
4. Health Consequences–Obesity Associated Comorbidities 29
Julian J. Emmanuel and Simon W. Coppack
5. Medical Management of Obesity 39
Robert C. Andrews
Section II
Introduction to Bariatric Surgery
Honorary Section Editor - Mervyn Deitel
6. Historical Perspectives of Bariatric Surgery 53
Simon P.L. Dexter and Mervyn Deitel
7. Evidence Base for Bariatric Surgery 65
Luca Leuratti, Haris A. Khwaja, and David D. Kerrigan
8. Patient Selection in Bariatric Surgery 77
Rupa Sarkar and Peter C. Sedman
9. Procedure Selection in Bariatric Surgery 85
Neil A. Jennings and Peter K. Small
Section III
Perioperative Assessment for Bariatric Surgery
Honorary Section Editor - Cynthia-Michelle Borg
10. Preoperative Medical Evaluation of the Bariatric Surgery Patient 93
Christopher James Grocock, Senthil Natchimuthi, and Conor J. Magee
11. Preoperative Dietary Evaluation of the Bariatric Surgery Patient 103
Mary P.M. O’Kane
12. Psychological Assessment of the Bariatric Surgery Patient 109
Denise Ratcliffe
13. Anesthesia Considerations in the Obese Patient for Bariatric Surgery 117
Nicholas J. Kennedy and Abigail A. Hine
14. Preoperative Risk Scoring Systems in Bariatric Surgery 131
Irfan Halim and Yashwant Koak
15. The Structure and Role of the Multidisciplinary Team in Bariatric Surgery 141
Omar Khan, Gul Bano, and Marcus Reddy
16. Nursing Care of the Bariatric Surgery Patient 147
Tamara Puplampu and Susan Simpson
17. Perioperative Management of the Bariatric Surgery Patient 155
Sean A.A. Woodcock
18. Enhanced Recovery after Bariatric Surgery 167
Sherif Awad
Section IV
Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (LRYGB): Techniques, Complications, Outcomes, and Controversies
Honorary Section Editor – Avril A.P. Chang
19. LRYGB: The Linear Technique 177
Irfan Halim, Dimitri J. Pournaras, Sanjay Agrawal, and Yashwant Koak
20. LRYGB: The Circular Stapler Technique (Includes Transoral as well as Transabdominal Anvil Placement) 185
Corinne E. Owers and Roger Ackroyd
21. LRYGB: The Hand-Sewn Technique 191
Javed Ahmed and Waleed Al-Khyatt
22. LRYGB: The Fully Stapled Technique 197
Bruno Dillemans and Bert Deylgat
23. LRYGB: Complications—Diagnosis and Management 207
Susannah M. Wyles and Ahmed R. Ahmed
24. LRYGB: Outcomes 231
William R.J. Carr and Kamal K. Mahawar
25. LRYGB: Current Controversies 239
Kelvin D. Higa and Amit K. Taggar
Section V
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (LSG): Technique, Complications, Outcomes, and Controversies
Honorary Section Editor – Sandeep Aggarwal
26. LSG: The Technique 247
Sandeep Aggarwal, Pratyusha Priyadarshini, and Michel Gagner
27. LSG: Complications—Diagnosis and Management 259
Rudolf A. Weiner, Islam A. El-Sayes, and Sylvia R. Weiner
28. LSG: Outcomes 277
Sasindran Ramar, Rajarajan Ramamoorthy, and Sanjay Agrawal
29. LSG: Current Controversies 285
Cynthia-Michelle Borg and Marco Adamo
Section VI
Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding (LAGB): Technique, Complications, Outcomes and Controversies
Honorary Section Editor – Sally A. Norton
30. LAGB: The Technique 299
Chris S. Cobourn and John B. Dixon
31. LAGB: Complications–Diagnosis and Management 307
Paul Constantine
32. LeederLAGB: Outcomes 321
Rishi Singhal and Paul Super
33. LAGB: Current Controversies 327
Simon J.W. Monkhouse and Sally A. Norton
Section VII
Advances in Minimally Invasive Bariatric Surgery
Honorary Section Editor – Yashwant Koak
34. Reduced Port Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery 335
Alan A. Saber
35. Single Incision LRYGB 343
Chih-Kun Huang, Jasmeet Singh Ahluwalia, Po-Chih Chang, and Ming-Che Hsin
36. Single Incision LSG 351
Giovanni Dapri
37. Single Incision LAGB 361
Saurav Chakravartty, Beth Murgatroyd, and Ameet G. Patel
38. Robotic Assisted Bariatric Surgery 367
Ranjan Sudan, Brandon V. Henry, Vivek Bindal, and Erica Podolsky
Section VIII
Revisional Bariatric Surgery
Honorary Section Editor – Andrew C. T. Wan
39. Revisional Surgery after Vertical Banded Gastroplasty 377
Michel Suter
40. Revisional Surgery after LRYGB 385
Kelvin D. Higa and Steven S. Chang
41. Revisional Surgery after LSG 393
Jacques M. Himpens and Andrew C.T. Wan
42. Revisional Surgery after LAGB 403
Luigi Angrisani, Antonella Santonicola, Giampaolo Formisano, Ariola Hasani, and Michele Lorenzo
Section IX
Other Operations for Obesity
Honorary Section Editor – Conor J. Magee
43. Laparoscopic Mini-Gastric (One-Anastomosis) Bypass Surgery 415
Robert Rutledge, Kuldeepak S. Kular, and Mervyn Deitel
44. Laparoscopic Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD-DS) Surgery 425
David D. Kerrigan, Luca Leuratti, Haris A. Khwaja, and Charlotte E. Harper
45. Laparoscopic Biliopancreatic Diversion (BPD) Surgery 437
Roberto Maria Tacchino
46. Laparoscopic Banded Gastric Bypass Surgery 447
Mathias A.L. Fobi and Mohit Bhandari
47. Single-Anastomosis Duodeno-Ileal Bypass with Sleeve Gastrectomy (SADI-S) Surgery 463
Andrés Sánchez-Pernaute, Miguel Ángel Rubio, and Antonio J. Torres
48. Laparoscopic Gastric Plication 469
Almino C. Ramos, Patrícia Souza de Paula, and Josemberg Marins Campos
49. Laparoscopic Gastric Pacing 477
Karl Miller
Section X
Endoscopic Approaches in Obesity and Bariatric Surgery
Honorary Section Editor – Dan R. Titcomb
50. Intragastric Balloon Treatment for Obesity 485
Alfredo Genco, Roberta Maselli, Giovanni Casella, Massimiliano Cipriano, and Adriano Redler
51. Endoscopic Duodeno-Jejunal Bypass Sleeve Treatment for Obesity 493
Rodrigo Muñoz and Alex Escalona
52. Newer Endoluminal Interventions for Obesity 499
Mazen E. Iskandar and Elliot R. Goodman
53. Endoscopic Treatment of Complications after Bariatric Surgery 505
Josemberg M. Campos, Patrícia Souza de Paula, and Almino C. Ramos
Section XI
Metabolic Effects of Bariatric Surgery
Honorary Section Editor – Francesco Rubino
54. Mechanisms of Action of Bariatric Surgical Procedures 519
Karl J. Neff and Carel W. le Roux
55. Glycaemic Control and Reduction of Cardiovascular Risk Following Bariatric Surgery 529
Jessie A. Elliott and Carel W. le Roux
56. Resolution of Obesity Associated Comorbidities (Diabetes, Hypertension, Sleep Apnoea, and Metabolic Syndrome) Following Bariatric Surgery 535
Torsten Olbers and Suzanne Hedberg
57. Metabolic Surgery for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Patients with BMI <35 kg/m2 541
Ricardo Cohen, Pedro P. Caravatto, and Tarissa Z. Petry
58. Ileal Interposition with Sleeve Gastrectomy for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Metabolic Syndrome 547
Surendra M. Ugale and Alper Celik
Section XII
Training, Reporting, and Practice in Bariatric Surgery
Honorary Section Editor – Nagammapudur S. Balaji
59. Training in Bariatric Surgery 557
David F. Hewin
60. Bariatric Surgery Data Management and Reporting Worldwide 563
Rishi Singhal and Richard Welbourn
61. Surgical Review Corporation (SRC) Center of Excellence Program for Bariatric Surgery 569
Neil E. Hutcher
62. International Federation for Surgical Obesity (IFSO) Center of Excellence Program for Bariatric Surgery 575
John Melissas, Antonio J. Torres, Yury I. Yashkov, Luc A.G. Lemmens, and Rudolf A. Weiner
63. Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP) By American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) and American College of Surgery (ACS) 581
Alan A. Saber, Moataz M. Bashah, and Sharon Zarabi
64. Medico Legal Issues in Bariatric Surgery 585
Omar Khan and Marcus Reddy
Section XIII
Miscellaneous Topics
Honorary Section Editor – Omar Khan
65. Nutritional Management after Bariatric Surgery 593
Gail L. Pinnock
66. Management of Extreme Obesity (BMI > 60 kg/m2) 603
Shaw Somers and Nicholas C. Carter
67. Respiratory Considerations and Effect of Bariatric Surgery in the Obese Patient 613
Manoj K. Menon and Angshu Bhowmik
68. Infertility, Pregnancy, and Bariatric Surgery 623
Rahat Khan
69. Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and Bariatric Surgery 629
Shlok Balupuri, Angela C. Cheung, Kamal K. Mahawar, and Quentin M. Anstee
70. Cancer, Obesity, and Bariatric Surgery 637
Duff M. Bruce
71. Psychological Issues Before and After Bariatric Surgery 643
Vanessa Snowdon-Carr
72. Health-Related Quality of Life Before and After Bariatric Surgery 653
Jane Ogden and Amelia Hollywood
Section XIV
Special Topics
Honorary Section Editor – Vinod S. Menon
73. Management of Bariatric Emergencies by the General Surgeon 661
Christopher Peters, Gianluca Bonanomi, and Evangelos Efthimiou
74. The Role of Primary Care in Bariatric Surgery 673
David William Haslam
75. Intensive Care and Obesity 683
Katrin Eigener
76. Radiological Imaging in Bariatric Surgery 689
Kamini Patel
77. Adolescent Bariatric Surgery 707
Bradley C. Linden and Sean J. Barnett
78. Body Contouring Surgery after Bariatric Surgery 713
Mark Soldin, Charles Jack Bain, and Maleeha Mughal
Index 723

1st Edition –
2nd Edition –